Author Interview
with author of Dog-Ma, the zen of slobber, Barbara Boswell Brunner
What inspires you when you write?
Humor and my dogs are my writing inspiration. They can do the funniest things that I MUST share! I first started keeping notes of their crazy antics many years ago. You just can’t make up some of the stuff they do. I write a blog for Izzy, our blind terrier, Zen And A Blind dog where I try to document some of the more entertaining challenges she has being blind. She is such a trooper.
Humor and my dogs are my writing inspiration. They can do the funniest things that I MUST share! I first started keeping notes of their crazy antics many years ago. You just can’t make up some of the stuff they do. I write a blog for Izzy, our blind terrier, Zen And A Blind dog where I try to document some of the more entertaining challenges she has being blind. She is such a trooper.
Do you have a favorite spot to write?
Yes, absolutely. My husband likes to fish. When we
take our boat out into the Gulf of Mexico, I can sit in the cabin with total
silence except for the lapping of water on the hull. For me, this is ideal
writing time.
Who is your favorite author(s)?
That is like asking which is my favorite dog or
favorite child. There is no right answer and there are way too many people who
would be left in a turbulent wake. I
like all genres and enjoy some very diverse authors. My preference is for a
writing style that is not too wordy or overly descriptive. I love writers who
give just enough of a description so that you understand the character or
situation and let your imagination fill in the blanks.
What are you reading now?
I have two books going at the same time right now.
Mary Metcalfe’s ROAD TO TOMORROW, which is the third in her Look To The Future
series. I love Mary’s writing style. I also just started Chandler McGrew’s
‘TRUDERS which has me glued to the edge of my seat. His books scare the bejesus
out of me.
Any tips to new writers out there?
About Barbara Boswell Brunner

About the Book

For dog lovers everywhere.......Barbara's vivid and dramatic stories, told with a wicked sense of humor, will make you laugh out loud. She definitely gets what living with rescued dogs (nine of them!) is all about. This book will inspire you with the couple's unstinting love, devotion, and respect for dogs as family members. You'll be glad to include it in your treasured collection of great dog books.
When Barbara meets her future husband, Ray, it is love-and dog-at first sight. Over the course of thirty-two years, seventeen relocations and nine dogs, their mutual love of dogs guides them on their unconventional path. The love that Barbara and Ray get in return is literally lifesaving, with one dog attacking a lethal intruder and another discovering Barbara’s cancer. Her own survival story underscores the story of how her dogs become survivors themselves.
Each new dog adds its own dynamic to the family, sometimes upending it. From Turbo (whose Spock-like ears may have provided super powers), Barbara learns about the will to live; Lexington demonstrates incredible patience and an inexplicable love of golf; Madison teaches that laughter is truly the best medicine and that the whole “nine lives thing” is not reserved just for cats; Morgan should be sainted for tolerating Izzy, who is as cute as she is bad. Barbara is certain that somewhere in doggie heaven there is a poster that says “If you are sick, injured or in need of really expensive medical care, FIND THESE HUMANS!”
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* Disclosure of Material Connection: I am a member of Beck Valley Book Tours and a copy of this book was provided to me by the author. Although payment may have been received by Beck Valley Books, no payment was received by me in exchange for this review. There was no obligation to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are entirely my own and may not necessarily agree with those of the author, publisher, publicist, or readers of this review. This disclosure is in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255, Guides Concerning Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.
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