Book Description:
Envision a world ruled by six Divine Laws, Immutable and Absolute.
Liaju is about to receive her twelfth marks - arcane symbols etched within her flesh, by Divine Decree. These mystic marks grant access to her first matching Convocation. Liaju is plagued by troubling dreams... her visions reveal the precipice her people, the Seizen, unknowingly approach - along with a possible path of escape. An obscure path, hidden and locked. Only Liaju holds escape's elusive key, a key as incomprehensible as it is frightening. Self-sacrifice. Must Liaju relinquish all to secure the Seizen's survival?
Eden, a mischievous child, succumbs to temptation and leads her cousin astray. Their path leads through terror and death, to ultimate understanding. Trickery reveals treachery - for Eden's misdeed unveils a monstrous murder.
Thrown into a perpetual, remorseless conflict you soon discover Malmaxa is more about character than place. Sorely troubled, barbaric, complex, and intriguing as Malmaxa is, it remains merely the setting for the true tale - the people, their motivations, and the choices which shape and define them.
Envision Malmaxa, then step inside and experience a world at once astonishingly different, and disturbingly familiar. Experience Malmaxa... experience, enlightenment?
About the Author, C.G. Ayling:
With children African, English and American, and myself born and raised in a country of five names, I consider myself... a citizen of the world.
My wife and four children think of me simply as a thorny old man - and thus my symbol...
One of the most influential people in my life was my Godfather. A man of absolute integrity, remarkable intellect, and fine character. He taught me tolerance, and intolerance, together. He showed me that every conflict has are two sides, if not more. It was thanks to time spent with him that I developed a guiding principle in my life, namely that the most fundamental sign of intelligence is the ability to change one's mind. It is to honor him that I use his name as my pseudonym, yet I know my efforts fall far short of what he deserved.
In my memory, C.G.Ayling lives forever. Is that not as close as any man can come to immortality?
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C.J. Ayling pens "Beltamar's War" in an engaging, well written, detailed plot with strong characters. I found the book to be very complex for my liking, but interesting enough that it holds your attention. A must read for all fantasy lovers.
I give "Beltamar's War" a 4 star rating.
* Disclosure of Material Connection: I am a member of Pump Up Your Book and a copy of this book was provided to me by the author. Although payment may have been received by Pump Up Your Book, no payment was received by me in exchange for this review. There was no obligation to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are entirely my own and may not necessarily agree with those of the author, publisher, publicist, or readers of this review. This disclosure is in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255, Guides Concerning Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.
Thank you for a nice, honest review. Beltamar's War is all the things you said. I appreciate your taking the time to read it.